Apr 23, 2009

For the broken hearts club. A message to you.

Be careful. But don't be afraid.
Be gentle. But don't be too quick to accept.
Be honest. The truth defends us. So defend the truth.
Be who you are. Discover who you are. Explore all the crevasses of your heart.
Accept who you are and don't try to be someone else. People don't change.
Know that you are enough. Know that you are beautiful.
Be strong. But don't be harsh.
Be kind. But don't let them think you are weak.
Stand up. Life was not meant to be a spectators sport.
Laugh more that you cry. Your tears are precious and should not be wasted.
Your tears tell the inner secrets of your soul. So don't waste them.
Appreciate what you do have. Don't waste time thinking about what you don't.
What you have is more than most.
Embrace your fear. The things your afraid of and conquer will be the ones you remember most.
Allow your heart the chance to break a little. When a heart heals, it allows twice as much room for love than originally intended.
Allow yourself to love. Allow yourself to be loved.
Love without fear. Love for those who are too afraid to try.

Love. Love. Love.

And when the day is over, be proud of the message you send to the world.
Be a voice. A voice for one. A voice for many.
Five thousand fists in the sky. Five thousand reasons to try.
Be the one. You were meant for that.
And when you feel lost, know that you are not alone.
Love is always with you. Love will never forsake you.

Love. Love. Love.

Above everything else in this world. Above everything else that you do.


But only love for the right reasons. Do not try to look through blinders.
Your love is rare. Your love is beautiful. Don't waste it on someone undeserving.

Love for you. You are enough.

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