Oct 18, 2009


There is a multitude of personal growth to be found.
It's in the changing of your mind, the breakdown of relationships, even the setbacks of goals you once had planned to achieve.
Buried deep within the messy and always complicated dilemma's of this life, there too lies the seed of personal growth.
Showered with your tears and fed by your acceptance of that in which you cannot change, it will slowly begin to rise up from the soil, sprouting a new version of yourself.
The you that is still just as complex and dysfunctional as ever.
Only now, perhaps more in tune with the melody of your heart.
More graceful and willing to forgive.
For in your time of personal growth, the harsh winter winds and the hurricanes of summer that for so long, seemed to block out the sunshine, have taught you the beauty and power that lies within forgiveness.
Forgiveness towards those in whom have wronged you.
Forgiveness towards those in whom you have wronged yourself.
For only in the Grace of forgiveness are you able to take the delicate steps towards finding your own closure.
Only in taking these delicate steps are you able to begin letting go, thus freeing your heart from the burden it has carried for so long.
Releasing the pain, the guilt, anger, frustrations....all of it.
Then, the greatest moment is experienced.

.....You wake up.

Oct 4, 2009

A Wishful Goodbye


Letting Go.

Moving On.

They all mean the same thing.
What you once had is gone. Over.
Regardless of whether or not it is good; Regardless of whether or not you wanted it to happen, the only thing left to do is charge on, full speed ahead.
But for many of us, there is resistance.
In our minds, we have purchased a one-way ticket but our hearts refuse to get on the train.
Thus, leaving our bodies frozen on the boarding dock with a puzzled expression to accompany our weary face.
Your mind is screaming inside, "You idiot! Why didn't you board the train? Move on with you life!"
Meanwhile, your heart is burning because it aches for what it can't have.

And that is why you stay.

Though you wish it not so, the hold on your heart is too strong.
What you wouldn't give to be able to say, "Goodbye."

Such a simple word; Such power behind it.