May 17, 2010

When the House was Standing

A tree fell on my house today. The house that I loved. The house that was supposed to be our second chance at being a family.
A tree fell on my house. The house that did not bring us all together like I thought it would. The house whose walls were more often surrounded by screaming than laughter.
A tree fell on my house. The house held in gates that brought a smile to my face while driving through them everday. The house encraved in sparkling marble and the only one in the neighborhood of it's kind.
A tree fell on my house. The house that I loved. The house that I called home. The house that once held a family. This is the perfect symbol for the reality that I face.
We will never be together again.

May 13, 2010

Remember This...


One word that encompasses a multitude of emotions.
Heartbreak has the power to allow you to embody feelings you never knew yourself capable of being able to express.
But, it's amazing the things you can learn about yourself once you have healed.
The ways in which you can grow are truly remarkable and in themselves, worth all the pain.

For in the process of mending the breaks and tending to the wounds that at times, feel just as fresh, you will find yourself anew.
A revised version of yourself, only better.

Every situation that you go through is a learning experience and there are so many lessons that you can take with you as you walk out of one chapter in you're life and into the next.

Remember that my love.

This was only one chapter, not the end of the novel.
You haven't reached the top of the mountain only to find that the dragon has been sleighed by someone else.
You haven't raced across the finish line only to be tied for first place.
The rest of you're life is still being written and it's way too early in the beginning of you're story to close the book.
It's too early to say, "Don't ever fall in love."
Yes, pain may follow. Pain that at times feels unbearable.
But sooner or later, empty will have to become full again.

So, take with you the lessons you need to learn. For it is in their harsh, yet gentle truth that you will find your way.
You will reach the top of the mountain and sleigh the dragon. You will cross the finish line of a championship race and be the only victor.
Above all, you will find what it is that your are looking for.
You will find it and you will know when it's right.


There will be days when nothing seems to make an ounce of sense.
When all your struggles and every last effort are made in vain, bring yourself to ask one simple question, "Why?"

There will be days when it seems like all you do is fail.
Every attempt is met with defeat and the heart that yearns to keep going is burning dim.
There will be days when you look in the mirror and wonder if it is all worth it.
Days in which you look in the mirror and no longer recognize the person on the other side.

The general structure is the same. The hair, skin, eyes, it's all relevant.
But, somehow, you've changed.
Still resembling the person you have always been, only there is something that is slightly unrecognizable.
Maybe it's you're ideas. Maybe it's you're feelings, passions, or even accountability.

Whatever the difference, you're reflection now sparks the question, "How did I get here?"
This is then followed by another important question, "What do I do now?"

To this question, there are many different answers. There are many things you can do and many ways in which you can change.
But, perhaps sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing.
Do nothing but stay the same.
Do nothing at all.

Days are nothing but moments in time. Moments that shape us into who we are and more importantly, who we are going to be.

If you happen to find yourself met more often with days of defeat then days of victory, take haste my dear, sweet friend.
For these days are nothing more then the building of a foundation. A foundation that is strong, confident, and beautiful.
The very foundation in which you shall forever stand.

Jan 1, 2010


This world. This life. This day.
It's all one great journey linked together only to be separated by multiple roads that leave you ignorant to their very existence.
Roads, that engulf the scenery with their winding turns. Thus, making the images around you nothing more then a blur.
Roads, that travel deep through tunnels of darkness. The kind of dark that swallows every ounce of light until you find you have forgotten what lies on the outside.
Roads, that separate from the places we know and the people who know us.
Instead of being a part of their lives that was firmly cemented, you find yourself simply passing through.
Like a guest at a quaint little bed and breakfast or a quick stop for coffee in a highway rest area. Wherever the venue, you are on the road that takes you out just as quickly as it brought you in.

And then there are roads that we know like the back of our hand.
Where the path is beaten down by the footsteps of the wanderer and unexpected events only take place in our imagination.
This road is a safe haven for what is, what has been, and what will always be.

There are roads to closure.
Roads that leave you hopeful and bring forth peace in your life.
There are roads that lead you to the in between of that which is healing and continuing to hold on.
They bring about the internal battles that lie in the conflicting emotions of allowing yourself to move forward and yet, wanting to say put.


There are many that we will embark on in this life.
They are all different yet, equally important. They will all lead us to the ultimate destination in which we create who we are.
In which, we create ourselves; yourself; you.