Nov 23, 2009


A love that is unconditional knows nothing of pride.
For pride is easily bent in matters of the heart. Otherwise, the love is lost forever.
A love that is unconditional knows nothing of cruelty.
Instead, bleeds compassion for the crimes of others. Otherwise, love could never grow.
A love that is unconditional knows nothing of injustice.
But fights for the truth; for what is pure.
A love that is unconditional is sometimes centered around more pain than it is delight.
For it is in the endurance of hardships where you find a love that was built to last.
A love that will stand the tests of time and come out all the better for it.
A love that is unconditional is a "forever kind" of thing.
It's wonder tattooed on your heart.
It's trials setting your pulse.
It's mystery intriguing your mind. Challenging your thoughts and even sometimes, clouding your judgement.
A love that is unconditional will not bow when the pros are out weighted by cons.
Although the flame is dim, Love's enduring passion still burns on.
Sweeping away the ashes of all obstacles put in it's path.
A love that is unconditional loves without conditions, loves freely, and loves like there is no end.

Oct 18, 2009


There is a multitude of personal growth to be found.
It's in the changing of your mind, the breakdown of relationships, even the setbacks of goals you once had planned to achieve.
Buried deep within the messy and always complicated dilemma's of this life, there too lies the seed of personal growth.
Showered with your tears and fed by your acceptance of that in which you cannot change, it will slowly begin to rise up from the soil, sprouting a new version of yourself.
The you that is still just as complex and dysfunctional as ever.
Only now, perhaps more in tune with the melody of your heart.
More graceful and willing to forgive.
For in your time of personal growth, the harsh winter winds and the hurricanes of summer that for so long, seemed to block out the sunshine, have taught you the beauty and power that lies within forgiveness.
Forgiveness towards those in whom have wronged you.
Forgiveness towards those in whom you have wronged yourself.
For only in the Grace of forgiveness are you able to take the delicate steps towards finding your own closure.
Only in taking these delicate steps are you able to begin letting go, thus freeing your heart from the burden it has carried for so long.
Releasing the pain, the guilt, anger, frustrations....all of it.
Then, the greatest moment is experienced.

.....You wake up.

Oct 4, 2009

A Wishful Goodbye


Letting Go.

Moving On.

They all mean the same thing.
What you once had is gone. Over.
Regardless of whether or not it is good; Regardless of whether or not you wanted it to happen, the only thing left to do is charge on, full speed ahead.
But for many of us, there is resistance.
In our minds, we have purchased a one-way ticket but our hearts refuse to get on the train.
Thus, leaving our bodies frozen on the boarding dock with a puzzled expression to accompany our weary face.
Your mind is screaming inside, "You idiot! Why didn't you board the train? Move on with you life!"
Meanwhile, your heart is burning because it aches for what it can't have.

And that is why you stay.

Though you wish it not so, the hold on your heart is too strong.
What you wouldn't give to be able to say, "Goodbye."

Such a simple word; Such power behind it.

Sep 29, 2009



They have an unmistakable power that is often forgotten and frequently misused.

Whether it be in the heat of the moment or dwelling from pent up emotions, your choice of words have the power to either strengthen a relationship or sever it forever.

What you choose to say to someone today could have a direct impact in what will be tomorrow.
In matters of the heart, it is wise to speak honestly, remembering that there is always a way to remain honest while putting things delicately for arguments sake.

You may not realize it, but your words are powerful and they have the strength to inspire extremely different emotions, as well as reactions.

Words have the capabilities of bringing out pride in those who are stubborn, exuberant smiles in those who radiate joy, and devastating sorrow in those who feel hurt.

Even the most delicate of phrases can be misconstrued and molded into something it is not.
Thus, leaving you with very little opportunities to make it right.


They can lead to something beautiful or leave behind a complicated mess.
The letters so precisely arranged on your lips have power.

Choose wisely.

Sep 20, 2009


So, you have made the commitment.
You have taken the plunge and opened your heart up to Love.

Allowing into your life all of the joys, frustrations, elation, and sorrow that follows.
But as brave as you are to take such a step, Love did not give as warm a welcome.

Love took the best of what you had to offer leaving you with only the hopeful notion of someone else's good intentions.
Love took your most sincere thoughts, the ones that you were so courageous to share, and left behind vulnerability; emptiness; yearning.

With each passing day these feelings grow increasingly more intense.
Burning every ounce of faith you have left until the cinder colored ash is all that remains.

Love; why do so many souls long for the emotion that can leave behind so much pain?

Sep 14, 2009

One day

Amazing how ones heart can be broken and still manage to keep beating.

Unfathomable how ones soul can escape the body and yet your still living.

Breathing in and breathing out, but gasping for air just the same.

Your not alive but your not dead either.

You cry but the tears are only released internally; creating a hole that continuously swallows another piece of your emotions until one day, you wake up and find that the only thing you feel, is empty.

Continuing to breath in, but now there is a burning sensation that follows your last breath and swirls in through the hole that has fully encompassed every inch of you.

Somehow, managing to survive in a world of darkness you find yourself praying to one day reach the light.

You don't know if you will ever get there.

You don't know if such a place even exists, but somehow you keep going.

Hoping to one day feel more then you do now.

Hoping to one day make sense of it all and if not, be capable of at least accepting it.

Struggling to understand how, if feelings were ever really sincere, why might they then have come to an end? You find no answer.

All you have is that incomprehensible hope that gives you the notion that perhaps maybe, you can come out of this experience; this long and unbearable trail of an experience, a better person.
A person with more to give then originally given.
But, all of this remains to be seen in a day that is known as, One day.

The Voice

Circumstances change.
Relationships end.
The feelings that once ran true, the ones that seemed so pure are instantaneously swept away into the winds of doubt.
But, once the breeze has passed, the heart stopping shock suppressed, and the unfathomable reality sinking in, all that remains is a mind filled with unanswered questions.
A conscience retracing every effortless step and an aching heart that yearns for a love now lost.
There is a time in all of our lives in which unfortunate events will take there place among us.
They will challenge our strength.
They will feed our weakness.
They will even go so far as to test us in ways that we cannot imagine.
Bending over backwards with every intention to break our spirit.
But, we will not fold.
We will not shatter and we certainly will not break.
For in every corner of unorchestrated events is a melody waiting to be played.
A song written specifically for you, waiting to be sung.
All that you have to do is find your voice.
A voice of confidence, A voice of praise, A voice that will be unstoppable because it stems from deep within.
The voice of the uncompromised strength.

Jul 31, 2009

The Road to Love

Does Love ever really die, or do We just simply walk away?
Far too many times we allow the fear and uncertainty of the most sacred and eternal commitment to prevent us from experiencing the most precious gift this world has to offer.
A gift that brings forth many challenges that allow us to grow.
Challenges that bring out the best and sometimes the worst of what we have to offer.
But ultimately, in the end, they are the traits that make us worth loving.

You may find yourself asking, "How will I know it's Love and not false feelings?"

The answer is simple.
You know it's love when you cannot walk away.
Even when the odds are against you, and the road on which you travel is plagued with steep hills and sharp turns, you simply cannot bring yourself to turn the car around.
Unlike the light switch that illuminates your bedroom, your feelings cannot be turned off by the flick of your wrist.

There will be challenges that will be difficult to overcome.
There may even be moments in which you wonder, "Is it all worth it?"
When you find yourself with two hands of the steering wheel, foot pressed down on the gas pedal, and the horizon in plain view, you have your answer.
That's when you realize, as difficult as it might be, it's actually quite easy.

Jul 20, 2009


Everyday, Every hour, Every minute, We are challenged by something far greater than our own understanding.
A fight in which the winner is unknown because everyday, the gloves are put back on.
But the fight of the everyday is only half the battle.
The real fight is fought internally, in which your strongest opponent is none other, then yourself.
The real fight is the struggle to keep your heart from closing itself off.
From shutting out the embrace of a lover, the comfort of a friend, as well as the simple feeling of joy.

To allow your heart to be filled with true happiness, happiness of the purest kind, can sometimes be a lonely and fearful thought.
For we all have experienced that with intense, light feelings of joy can sometimes come great sorrow, as well as unwanted hurt.

This is when you must choose to either rise to the challenge that is the fight, or walk through the shadows of a life half lived.

There will be pain.
There will be struggles.
And there will most certainly be heartache.

But, overcome all of that and you will find the beauty in things that once went unnoticed.
Your pain will have made you stronger.
Your struggles, more capable.
And your heartache will help bring you closer to the person who deserves your love.
The fight maybe never ending, but in time you may find that it was all worth it.

Worth the strength, Worth the capabilities, and Worth the love.

Jul 8, 2009

Hope House

Hope is a light that shines in the darkness.
A faint, often dim gleam of brightness that manages to shine through even in the darkest of hours.
It is through hope that we find salvation.
An inner strength that allows us to forgive the past and accept whatever uncertainties lie in the future.
A future so unstable, it seems to be painted with nothing but despair.
But by some miracle, far greater then man can comprehend, hope shines through.
In the smallest form, in the most incomprehensible of ways, hope shines through.
In days filled with regret, hope shines through.
In hours of remorse, hope shines through.
In the back lash of decisions made out of anger and impulse, hope shines through.
In the souls of the lost, the ones that are too weak to face their misfortunes, hope will find a way to lighten even the heaviest of hearts.
Hope will burn bright, lighting the fire that will inspire the strength to bare what was once considered unbearable.

Jun 9, 2009

The Good of Mistakes

One mistake can lead to a lifetime of regrets.

One mistake can directly affect the lives of those closest to you.

One mistake can change the course of your life forever.

But sometimes, one mistake is all you need in order to know what you want.

To know how you want to live.

To know who you want to be.

Sometimes, one mistake is enough to inspire the notion to be better.
To rise above and look beyond your front door.
To plant the seeds of wisdom in your own life and allow them to grow into the foundation of your being.
Yes, one mistake can lead to a lifetime of regrets. But, if given the opportunity, one mistake can also teach a lifetime of lessons.
Our personal growth is not measured in the level of severity of that in which our mistakes have brought forth.
It is found in the value of that in which we allow ourselves to take away from it.
When we allow ourselves to learn from the past, we allow forgiveness to enter our hearts,
taking with it the remorse that has overshadowed our life for far too long.
Once time has healed the pain that broke our spirit, once understanding has filled our hearts with compassion, only then, will we be able to rationalize that one mistake as a blessing.
For in committing the crime that threw us into the cell of self incorporated, mental torment, are we thus capable of walking out as a better version of the life left behind.

May 21, 2009

The Mirror and Your Life

Every choice you make will eventually lead you to another crossroad in which another decision will have to be made.
Every action you take will have a direct impact on the lives of each individual who will be by your side at the end.

Who will be with you when the sands of time run dry?

Who will stand beside you, before you, to honor and carry on your legacy?
The answers in which you seek lye in the reflection that stares back at you.

Who do you see?
Do you see your greatest mistakes or your proudest accomplishments?
Do you see the faces of the hearts you broke or the ones you helped to rebuild?
Have you honored the teachings of you elders, staying true to the core beliefs in which they have set forth?
Or have you gone astray, creating your own path of desolation and despair, nothing more than a lost soul dishonoring those who taught you better.

You are who you choose to be.

The reflection that stares back at you can easily be shattered, as it proves to be only a glimpse of your current life.

A life that you can change.

A life that you can honor.

A life that is more than the circumstances of this world allow it to be.

The reflection in which you see today does not have to be the same reflection of that in whom you see tomorrow.

The mirror is only skin deep.

May 6, 2009


The heart is the best and worst kind of weapon.
How easily it can open itself up to love and forgiveness.
How quick it can be to accept happiness and skip a beat.
And yet, how fast the heart can run and hide in fear.
How desperate it can be to close itself off from the world, slowly numbing itself to lessen the blow of disappointment.

The heart: The human heart: Your heart:

It can be your greatest alli or your worst enemy.
But when the two notions are weighed and compared against each other, how much easier it is to let your heart be your friend.
Your comrade. Your truth.
Your heart will always speak the truth. It is you, the vessel in whom carries the heart that speaks falsely.
We are only as strong as our weakest player.
Our thoughts and our emotions are so closely linked that far too many times, they keep us from seeing the reality.
It is up to you, the vessel in whom carries the heart, to open your mind and let the truth poor in.
Let truth fall down like rain and shower you with it's purity.
Let truth consume the depths of your being and overwhelm you with it's intensity.
But seek in caution my dear, sweet friend.
For the truth can be an unbearable reality to accept. Your life may very well never be the same once you have seen, tasted, and believed.
But believe you must. Never lose sight of that in which the heart seeks.

May 4, 2009

The heart that fights

When did lust become more important that love?
When did a brief moment of satisfaction become more significant than a lifetime of happiness?
This generation is so caught up in instant gratification that they cannot see the forest for the trees.
They are so blinded by immediate satisfaction that they would not know a good thing if it came up and slit their throat.
They will bleed out through their lungs, only knowing a false version of excellence.
They will burn in the twisted facade of happiness as the bitter ashes rise up into the wind.
Only to be scattered amongst the empty, leaving behind the remains of a broken life.
A life not even worth remembering because their actions brought nothing but dishonor and disgrace.

This my friend, is when you and I will rise.
We will stand side by side, hand in hand, with nothing but truth in our eyes and love in our hearts.
We will walk with pride and exude elegance because we know grace.
We will fulfill the dreams forgotten and fight for the love that was lost because we know that only through love, can there be peace.
We will honor the brave and pray for the soul of the coward. May God have mercy for the pain in which they have caused.
And when the day is done, and the words that needed to be said were spoken, we will rest.
For we will have lived a life so passionate and true, not even death itself can silence.

Apr 30, 2009


It will overpower you if you let it.
It will consume you and swallow you whole.
Fear is the fuel that feeds the fire. The burning fire that will continue to scorch and scar.
Leaving only behind callously healed, but still, ever fresh marks on your life.
A day of reckoning will come to you.
You must decide whether to face the fear; to face the weakness, or run.
Run, and weakness wins.
Stay, and you become unstoppable.

Apr 26, 2009

Words speak louder

It's the foundation for all relationships.
Say what you mean; Mean what you say.
The mind and the heart are on two different sides. Don't confuse them.
Always let your heart speak. It knows you better than anyone.
Your heart wont let you down.
The mind likes to trick the heart and damage what the heart truly desires.
You must not let this happen.
Your mind is strong. But your heart is stronger.
Your heart is connected to honesty; the center of our being.
Only when you allow your heart to become intertwined with the truth, will you feel happiness.

Only then, will you know peace.

Only then, will you experience strength.

Only then, will you be free.

Apr 23, 2009

For the broken hearts club. A message to you.

Be careful. But don't be afraid.
Be gentle. But don't be too quick to accept.
Be honest. The truth defends us. So defend the truth.
Be who you are. Discover who you are. Explore all the crevasses of your heart.
Accept who you are and don't try to be someone else. People don't change.
Know that you are enough. Know that you are beautiful.
Be strong. But don't be harsh.
Be kind. But don't let them think you are weak.
Stand up. Life was not meant to be a spectators sport.
Laugh more that you cry. Your tears are precious and should not be wasted.
Your tears tell the inner secrets of your soul. So don't waste them.
Appreciate what you do have. Don't waste time thinking about what you don't.
What you have is more than most.
Embrace your fear. The things your afraid of and conquer will be the ones you remember most.
Allow your heart the chance to break a little. When a heart heals, it allows twice as much room for love than originally intended.
Allow yourself to love. Allow yourself to be loved.
Love without fear. Love for those who are too afraid to try.

Love. Love. Love.

And when the day is over, be proud of the message you send to the world.
Be a voice. A voice for one. A voice for many.
Five thousand fists in the sky. Five thousand reasons to try.
Be the one. You were meant for that.
And when you feel lost, know that you are not alone.
Love is always with you. Love will never forsake you.

Love. Love. Love.

Above everything else in this world. Above everything else that you do.


But only love for the right reasons. Do not try to look through blinders.
Your love is rare. Your love is beautiful. Don't waste it on someone undeserving.

Love for you. You are enough.