Oct 4, 2009

A Wishful Goodbye


Letting Go.

Moving On.

They all mean the same thing.
What you once had is gone. Over.
Regardless of whether or not it is good; Regardless of whether or not you wanted it to happen, the only thing left to do is charge on, full speed ahead.
But for many of us, there is resistance.
In our minds, we have purchased a one-way ticket but our hearts refuse to get on the train.
Thus, leaving our bodies frozen on the boarding dock with a puzzled expression to accompany our weary face.
Your mind is screaming inside, "You idiot! Why didn't you board the train? Move on with you life!"
Meanwhile, your heart is burning because it aches for what it can't have.

And that is why you stay.

Though you wish it not so, the hold on your heart is too strong.
What you wouldn't give to be able to say, "Goodbye."

Such a simple word; Such power behind it.

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