May 13, 2010

Remember This...


One word that encompasses a multitude of emotions.
Heartbreak has the power to allow you to embody feelings you never knew yourself capable of being able to express.
But, it's amazing the things you can learn about yourself once you have healed.
The ways in which you can grow are truly remarkable and in themselves, worth all the pain.

For in the process of mending the breaks and tending to the wounds that at times, feel just as fresh, you will find yourself anew.
A revised version of yourself, only better.

Every situation that you go through is a learning experience and there are so many lessons that you can take with you as you walk out of one chapter in you're life and into the next.

Remember that my love.

This was only one chapter, not the end of the novel.
You haven't reached the top of the mountain only to find that the dragon has been sleighed by someone else.
You haven't raced across the finish line only to be tied for first place.
The rest of you're life is still being written and it's way too early in the beginning of you're story to close the book.
It's too early to say, "Don't ever fall in love."
Yes, pain may follow. Pain that at times feels unbearable.
But sooner or later, empty will have to become full again.

So, take with you the lessons you need to learn. For it is in their harsh, yet gentle truth that you will find your way.
You will reach the top of the mountain and sleigh the dragon. You will cross the finish line of a championship race and be the only victor.
Above all, you will find what it is that your are looking for.
You will find it and you will know when it's right.

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