May 6, 2009


The heart is the best and worst kind of weapon.
How easily it can open itself up to love and forgiveness.
How quick it can be to accept happiness and skip a beat.
And yet, how fast the heart can run and hide in fear.
How desperate it can be to close itself off from the world, slowly numbing itself to lessen the blow of disappointment.

The heart: The human heart: Your heart:

It can be your greatest alli or your worst enemy.
But when the two notions are weighed and compared against each other, how much easier it is to let your heart be your friend.
Your comrade. Your truth.
Your heart will always speak the truth. It is you, the vessel in whom carries the heart that speaks falsely.
We are only as strong as our weakest player.
Our thoughts and our emotions are so closely linked that far too many times, they keep us from seeing the reality.
It is up to you, the vessel in whom carries the heart, to open your mind and let the truth poor in.
Let truth fall down like rain and shower you with it's purity.
Let truth consume the depths of your being and overwhelm you with it's intensity.
But seek in caution my dear, sweet friend.
For the truth can be an unbearable reality to accept. Your life may very well never be the same once you have seen, tasted, and believed.
But believe you must. Never lose sight of that in which the heart seeks.

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