May 21, 2009

The Mirror and Your Life

Every choice you make will eventually lead you to another crossroad in which another decision will have to be made.
Every action you take will have a direct impact on the lives of each individual who will be by your side at the end.

Who will be with you when the sands of time run dry?

Who will stand beside you, before you, to honor and carry on your legacy?
The answers in which you seek lye in the reflection that stares back at you.

Who do you see?
Do you see your greatest mistakes or your proudest accomplishments?
Do you see the faces of the hearts you broke or the ones you helped to rebuild?
Have you honored the teachings of you elders, staying true to the core beliefs in which they have set forth?
Or have you gone astray, creating your own path of desolation and despair, nothing more than a lost soul dishonoring those who taught you better.

You are who you choose to be.

The reflection that stares back at you can easily be shattered, as it proves to be only a glimpse of your current life.

A life that you can change.

A life that you can honor.

A life that is more than the circumstances of this world allow it to be.

The reflection in which you see today does not have to be the same reflection of that in whom you see tomorrow.

The mirror is only skin deep.

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