Jun 9, 2009

The Good of Mistakes

One mistake can lead to a lifetime of regrets.

One mistake can directly affect the lives of those closest to you.

One mistake can change the course of your life forever.

But sometimes, one mistake is all you need in order to know what you want.

To know how you want to live.

To know who you want to be.

Sometimes, one mistake is enough to inspire the notion to be better.
To rise above and look beyond your front door.
To plant the seeds of wisdom in your own life and allow them to grow into the foundation of your being.
Yes, one mistake can lead to a lifetime of regrets. But, if given the opportunity, one mistake can also teach a lifetime of lessons.
Our personal growth is not measured in the level of severity of that in which our mistakes have brought forth.
It is found in the value of that in which we allow ourselves to take away from it.
When we allow ourselves to learn from the past, we allow forgiveness to enter our hearts,
taking with it the remorse that has overshadowed our life for far too long.
Once time has healed the pain that broke our spirit, once understanding has filled our hearts with compassion, only then, will we be able to rationalize that one mistake as a blessing.
For in committing the crime that threw us into the cell of self incorporated, mental torment, are we thus capable of walking out as a better version of the life left behind.

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