Oct 18, 2008

Beautiful Lies

I wrote this a while ago but it's still pretty important to me.

Sept. 21,2008

Does being beautiful result in being alone?
What can it really get a person other then jealousy from others, or intimidation? Even if your the nicest person in the world, and good to all of your friends and family members, people will still look past that and see you as something your not.
Either the one you want is too afraid to approach you or only wants you for one thing. Why does it have to be a double edge sword? Why can't there just be appreciation for beauty in it's purest form? When did lust out weigh beauty and why is it so unapproachable?
For example, I know someone who is very attractive and when I looked at him for the first time I thought to myself, he is too beautiful and he must not be a good person because of how gorgeous he is. I instantly judged him because of his appeal and it made me think, why do I instantly jump the gun and assume he has a crappy personality because of his good looks? Why does being an attractive person mean that he is jaded and only interested in being around others who are just like him? (looks wise).
Maybe none of this makes sense but I feel that there is some price to pay for being beautiful and dispite what so many think, it's not an easy path to lead.

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