Oct 19, 2008

The Picture of People

People are a strange breed. We're all so different and yet so similar. We all want the same things really. We want to be loved, liked, appreciated, respected...so how can we share so many of the same humanistic qualities, and think so differently? How can we be so close yet so far from eachother? How come I see it my way and you see it your way? It's funny how two people can be so different and get along so well. I have a friend like that. If you looked at him and then proceeded to look at me, you would never expect us to be friends. But yet, we are. We get along swimmingly and I have so much love and respect, even faith in him. He's one of my best friends and I'm proud to call him so.
I'm glad that people are different, it's what makes this world such a unique setting. Thus, making our lives a bit more colorful. It's just strange to me how things fall into place sometimes. How people meet, how relationships start from nothing and grow into something that lasts forever. How that first glance into someones eyes can change your life forever. I've been fortunate enough to have that experience. But what happens when the feelings aren't returned? Are you destined to love and faun over that one person forever? that one person who you mean absolutely nothing to? If this is the case, I have to ask, is it worth it? From where I'm sitting right now I would say no.

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