Nov 9, 2008

A Sense of Self

Tonight I'm thinking a lot about the path to self-discovery. How do you get there? How does one define who they are? Really, how can someone know who they truly are because aren't we always changing as individuals? The things we like and dislike change, our sense of style, taste in music, sometimes even our choice in friends. But perhaps these are just simple things that tell others a little bit about ourselves. Perhaps these small things are just a glimpse of our true identities rather than the big picture.

I may feel like sometimes, I don't know who I am. But I can tell you one thing, I know who I want to be. I want to be an inspiration. I want to be a leader. I want to accomplish the tasks that others tell me are impossible. Most importantly, I want to love who I AM. To be proud of who I AM. To honor who I AM.


The path to self-discovery isn't paved in the amount of accomplishments you have or the types of people you surround yourself with. It's in the choices you make that directly impact yourself and the people you love. The sacrifices you make for those loved ones and the dreams that you share. It's in the things that you do everyday, every moment and allowing the good to shine through. I always hear people say, "Take the good with the bad." I think it's so much harder to take the good. It's hard to let people help you and sometimes it's even hard to let people love you. To open yourself up to goodness and allow yourself to lean on someone can be the hardest step you may ever have to take. Mostly, because it's easy to be angry. It's easy to mad at the world and blame someone else for why things are happening in your life. It's easy to accept that things are not fair and throw yourself a pity party. What's hard is accepting the fact that sometimes, there's nothing and no one to place blame or your anger. Hard, is opening yourself up to goodness and allowing the opportunity for something wonderful to happen in your life. Hard, is accepting the compliments people give you and believing that there true.

I want to open myself up to goodness. I want to allow the good in me to shine through and hopefully that will lead me down my path to further discover who I AM. Like I said, I may not have a strong sense of self just yet, but I know who I want to be. It's just a matter of getting there.

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